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European elections 2019







Retrieved 28 May 2018.It has been joined by most of the members of the outgoing Europe of Nations and Freedom group (including Lega, the French National Rally, Freedom Party of Austria and the Dutch Party for Freedom ) as well as some former EFDD ( Alternative for Germany ) and ECR parties ( Danish People's Party and Finns Party ).Europe Elects.Financial Times. 9 October 2018.Politico Europe. Retrieved 29 April 2019.European Greens. Retrieved 8 September 2019. Retrieved 8 June 2019. 16 July 2019. Retrieved 29 November 2016. Retrieved 13 January 2018. 11 August 2018.Foederalist. 11 November 2018.Daily Express.Nevertheless, Macron stressed that this was merely a loose alliance and his party is not a member of the ALDE Europarty. Retrieved 22 September 2018.One reason was that its biggest share of MEPs came from the United Kingdom, which was long expected to leave the EU before the election. EN SAVOIR PLUS >>>














2019 European Parliament election - Wikipedia

european elections 2019
Image source: reflexions-echanges-insoumis.org

Without prejudice to the composition of the newly elected Parliament, the projection is based on the structure of the outgoing Parliament

Européennes 2019 : le résumé de la soirée électorale

european elections 2019
Image source: img.aws.la-croix.com

Official results of the European elections held between 23 and 26 May 2019

European Parliament Elections 2019 - POLITICO

If you do not have a login you can register here 2019 European Parliament election.

2019 European elections: What you need to know - BBC News

For instance, if there are five parties standing, voters can rank them from one to five, putting a one next to their first choice.They are known as non-attached members or independents.We have a guide here on what we know so far about how the main parties are preparing for the 23 May polls.Most UK Conservatives were in a group called the European Conservatives and Reformists Group, and the one serving Liberal Democrat MEP sat with an Alliance of Liberals and Democrats.Any MEPs elected for Emmanuel Macron's En Marche party will fall in to this category at first, as will any for Change UK, as both were formed after the 2014 election and have no sitting MEPs.If you are a citizen of an EU country and are resident in the UK, you can vote either in the UK or in your home country.In either case, you must have registered before the deadline. European Parliament Elections 2019.

8 key takeaways from the European election 2019 results - CNN

The Green Party alliance posted its strongest ever performance in European elections, winning 69 seats according to provisional results -- a rise from 2014 when they took 50 seats.86% of the vote. This is almost equivalent to the vote share of the Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats combined and reflects growing dissatisfaction with traditional UK parties.33% of the vote. Results in France provided further evidence that a predicted surge in support for far-right populist parties did not materialize. In Italy, the right-wing Lega Party, led by Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, took victory with 34.JUST WATCHED European election results come in Replay More Videos.Salvini (L), Farage (center) and Le Pen (R) all won in their respective countries.2% of the vote.It's worth noting that the Brexit Party took most of its seats from the UK Independence Party, Farage's previous political vehicle. European Election 2019.

european elections 2019
Image source: upload.wikimedia.org

Nigel Farage's Brexit Party won seats right throughout the UK, at the expense of Labour and the Conservatives.Results in full With the two traditional blocs losing their majority for the first time, these smaller groups may find they have more sway on decisions in the new parliament.While in Italy, Matteo Salvini's League party seems set for victory with a strong lead over the centre-left Democratic Party.The liberal ALDE group was particularly buoyed by President Emmanuel Macron's support in France, while the Greens exceeded expectations in Germany, Finland, France and the UK.The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites.In France, it was Marine Le Pen's National Rally beating President Macron's Renaissance alliance.Overall turnout was the highest it has been in 20 years.Read about our approach to external linking

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EU elections 2019

european elections 2019
Image source: upload.wikimedia.org

Election results and analysis from all 28 EU countries

Le lendemain des élections européennes - Europe hebdo (29/05/2019)


Who can vote in the elections and when will the results be announced?.


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